
Publications by John Bradley


PDFBradley, J., Untiedt, G., Zaleski, J. (2009). The economic return of Cohesion Expenditure for member states. Report for the European Parliament, Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies. PE 419.106.


PDF Bradley, J., Untiedt, G. (2008). “Do Economic Models Tell Us Anything Useful about Cohesion Policy Impacts?”, in Regional Economic Policy in Europe: New Challenges for Theory, Empirics and Normative Interventions, (eds.) U. Stierle-von Schutz, M. Stierle, F. Jennings and A. Kuah, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 159-180

PDFBradley, J., Untiedt, G. (2008). "Written evidence" in: The future of EU Regional Policy. House of Lords. 19th Report of Session 2007-08. HL Paper 141

PDFBradley, J. (2008).  “National and Regional Development Policy: Comparing Ireland and Poland”, to appearOspodarka Narodowa, Spring.


PDFBradley, J. (2007). “Learning from the Irish border: Reflections on Poland and the Ukraine”, The Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland, No. 2, pp.68-80.

PDFBradley, J. (2007).  “Experiences from an Ethiopian economic research project”,  Studies, Spring 2007, Volume 96, No. 381.

PDFBradley, J. (2007). "The island economy: Ireland before and after the Belfast Agreement". Published as Chapter 3 in: Coakley, J., O'Dowd, L. (Eds.):Crossing the Border: New relationships between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, Dublin: Irish Academic Press.

PDFBradley, J. (2007). "Economic Development: The textile and information technology sectors". Published as Chapter 9 in: Coakley, J., O'Dowd, L. (Eds.):Crossing the Border: New relationships between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, Dublin: Irish Academic Press.

PDFBradley, J., Pisa, V., Untiedt, G., Vavra, D. (2007).  Quantitative assessment of the estimated impact of the NDP/NSRF using a macroeconomic model for the Czech Republic. Final Report Project 05/5.

PDFBradley, J., Untiedt, G., Mitze, T. (2007).  Analysis of the impact of cohesion policy. A note explaining the HERMIN-based simulations. Project-No. 2006 CE.16.0.AT.035, Münster/Dublin.


PDFBradley, J. (2006). “Economic development: the textile and information technology sectors”, in Crossing the Border: New relationships between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, Chapter 9,  John Coakley and Liam O’Dowd (eds), Dublin: Irish Academic Press.

PDFBradley, J. (2006). “Evaluating the Impact of European Union Cohesion Policy in Less-developed Countries and Regions”, Regional Studies, Special Issue: The Evaluation of European Union Cohesion Policy, (eds.) J. Bachtler and C. Wren, pp. 189-199.

PDFBradley, J., Mitze, T., Morgenroth, E., Untiedt, G. (2006). How can we know if EU Cohesion Policy is successful?  Integrating micro and macro approaches to the evaluation of Structural Funds, Monograph, Working Paper, GEFRA/Muenster, March.

PDFBradley, J., Mitze, T., Untiedt, G. (2006). The role of regional transfers for the "Aufbau Ost": A macro impact analysis with special focus on the industrial sector performance.

PDFBradley, J. (2006). “The island economy: Ireland before and after the Belfast Agreement”, in Crossing the Border: New relationships between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, Chapter 3,  John Coakley and Liam O’Dowd (eds), Dublin: Irish Academic Press.


PDFBradley, J. (2005): “Does EU cohesion policy produce cohesion? The debate on Structural Funds.” Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the INFER conference, London, October 7th, 2005 and at the 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Theme F, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 23-27 August, 2005.


PDFBradley, J. (2004). “Committing to Growth in a Small European Economy”, in New Wealth for Old Nations: Scotland’s Economic Prospects, (eds.) W. Alexander, B. Ashcroft and D. Coyle, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

PDFBradley, J. (2004). “Promoting Cohesion in the Enlarged EU: Is there a role for National Development Plans?”, in J. Bradley, G. Petrakos and I. Traistaru (eds.), Integration, Growth and Cohesion in an Enlarged European Union, New York: Springer.

PDFBradley, J., Gács, J. ,  Kangur, A., Lubenets N. (2004). “HERMIN: A macro model framework for the study of cohesion and transition”, in J. Bradley, G. Petrakos and I. Traistaru (eds.), Integration, Growth and Cohesion in an Enlarged European Union, New York: Springer.

PDFBradley, J., Kangur, A., Lubenets, N. (2004). “Macro impact evaluation of National Development Plans: Ireland and Estonia”, in J. Bradley, G. Petrakos and I. Traistaru (eds.), Integration, Growth and Cohesion in an Enlarged European Union, New York: Springer.

PDFBradley, J., Zaleski, J., Zuber, P. (2004). “The role of ex-ante evaluation in CEE National Development Planning: A case study based on Polish administrative experience”, in J. Bradley, G. Petrakos and I. Traistaru (eds.), Integration, Growth and Cohesion in an Enlarged European Union, New York: Springer.


PDFBarry, F., Bradley, J., Kejak, M., Vavra, D. (2003). “The Czech economic transition: exploring options using a macrosectoral model”,  The Economics of Transition, Vol. 11 (3), pp. 539-567.


PDFBradley, J., Untiedt, G. (2002). An examination of the ex-post macroeconomic impacts of CSF 1994-99 on Objective 1 countries and regions. Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, East Germany and Northern Ireland. Final Report.


PDFBradley, J. (2001). “The island economy: past, present and future”, in Can the Celtic Tiger Cross the Border?,Cross Currents, Cork: Cork University Press.


PDFBradley, J. (1999). “The history of economic development in Ireland: North and South”, in Ireland North and South: Perspectives from Social Science, eds. A. Heath, R. Breen and C. Whelan, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

PDFBradley, J., Hamilton, D. (1999). “Strategy 2010: planning economic development in Northern Ireland”,Regional Studies, Vol. 33, No. 9, pp. 885-902.

PDFBradley, J., Hamilton, D. (1999). “Making policy in Northern Ireland - A critique of Strategy 2010”,Administration, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 32-50.